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Restaurant Villa Dinka

Ul. Dinka Kovačevića 14, 21450, Hvar, Croatia
📞 +385 21 717 325

位於克羅埃西亞查達爾的餐廳Villa Dinka,是一家以羅馬的建築風格為特色的古老餐廳,建於18世紀,外觀精美,內部更是設計精美,建築風格完美融合了古典和現代風格,為查達爾帶來一股古典風情。

Villa Dinka是查達爾最古老的餐廳之一,它的歷史可以追溯到18世紀,可以說是查達爾的一個文化標誌。它的外觀是以羅馬的建築風格為特色,內部更是設計精美,建築風格完美融合了古典和現代風格,為查達爾帶來一股古典風情。

Villa Dinka提供各種美食,其中以海鮮料理最為出名,每一道菜都是由經驗豐富的廚師精心烹製而成,確保每一道菜都能令客人們品嚐到最正宗的克羅埃西亞風味。餐廳的服務也十分周到,員工們對客人們的服務熱情友善,為客人們提供最貼心的服務。

來自TripAdvisor的評論都是非常正面的,許多評論者都表示,他們喜歡Villa Dinka的環境,也對餐廳的料理和服務都表示讚賞。其中一位評論者表示:“我們在這裡吃了一頓美味的晚餐,料理精美,服務也很周到,餐廳的環境也很悅耳。”另一位評論者則表示:“我們在這裡度過了一個愉快的晚上,料理美味,服務很周到,環境也很漂亮。”

Villa Dinka是一家具有歷史文化背景的餐廳,內部環境精美,料理美味,服務也十分周到,是查達爾一個不可多得的文化標誌。如果你想品嚐到正宗的克羅埃西亞風味,那麼Villa Dinka就是你的不二之選!


116 评论
5 明星

Loved that restaurant. It is located on a small hill and has a great view. The day we were there the storm was coming, so it was very fresh too. Staff is very friendly and the food is simply delicious. Google doesn't show opening hours; right now they are open for dinners, from 6 pm (I dont know if this is seasonal)

3 明星

Had higher expectations for this place, but food was average. Green salad was a handful of lettuce, no other vegetables. Tomato soup was completely watery, and the worse we’ve had in Croatia. The mains were better. Setting is beautiful on a hill behind the beach, but there were a hundred bugs falling into our food at night b/c there was a light right above the table. Server was also not friendly or responsive.

3 明星

Nicely situated place in a quite place of a city. First the good side. Tables are spacious overlooking the hotel Amfora, its clean and you dont need reservation. This place has potential to be upgraded. First, service is basic, they are not to interested to give you experiance of a place, they will take your order and thats it. Maybe another waiter is better, who would know. Now the food. Fish soup was excellent, but portion mildly lacks of fish in it. Risott Nero was again very good and nicely prepared. Mussels were fresh but the portion could be larger, sauce was to salty. Pasta frutti di Mare nothing special. Butter and cream were dominating while shrimps were frozen. House red wine was fine, nothing special but definitely to expensive for the quality. And finally cake with carob, apple and chocolate was made with love and was the highlite dish of the evening. Overall on a Michelin level I would give restaurant 1/10 but on a tourist level 7/10. Nice place to visit but hardly that I would rember it.