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Konoba Luka


Potočnica 4, 10360, Sesvete, Croatia
📞 +385 1 2059 332


  • 可供轮椅使用的停车场
  • 可供轮椅使用的厕所

Konoba Luka位於克羅埃西亞拉布,是一家非常特別的博物館,它提供了一個獨特而又充滿活力的文化體驗。博物館位於一個古老的建築群中,擁有豐富的歷史和文化遺產。博物館內有許多展覽,可以讓您更多地了解當地的文化,歷史和傳統。

Konoba Luka擁有豐富的歷史和文化遺產,涵蓋了克羅埃西亞拉布的文化史。博物館內有許多展覽,包括克羅埃西亞拉布的歷史、文化、藝術和建築。博物館還收集了許多古老的文物,可以讓您更多地了解當地的文化和歷史。

Konoba Luka還提供了許多有趣的活動,包括特殊的文化和藝術表演、歷史和文化導覽、課程和活動等。此外,該博物館還擁有一個藝術展覽室,展出了一些著名的當代藝術作品,如萊恩·柯林斯的《聖母瑪利亞的聖母》和艾倫·萊斯的《綠色之家》。

Konoba Luka是一個值得一去的地方,它提供了一個獨特而又充滿活力的文化體驗。您可以在這裡探索克羅埃西亞拉布的歷史、文化和傳統,並參觀著名的藝術作品。此外,您還可以參加博物館提供的各種活動,更深入地了解當地文化。Konoba Luka是一個值得一去的博物館,讓您更多地了解克羅埃西亞拉布的歷史和文化。


737 评论
5 明星

Entrance fee is 30 kuna or approximately 5 dollars. Working time is till 8 pm. Lots of exhibits, very interesting. Located in the old upper part of the Zagreb, near St. Mark church. Recommended.

5 明星

One of the best Museum for losing your spare time and enjoy amazing exhibits definitely go see it if you are in Zagreb

5 明星

The Croatian Natural History Museum (Croatian: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej) is the oldest and biggest natural history museum and the main body for natural history research, preservation and collection in Croatia. Located on Dimitrije Demeter Street in Gornji Grad, one of the oldest neighbourhoods of the Croatian capital Zagreb, it owns one of the biggest museum collections in Croatia, with over 2 million artefacts, including over 1.1 million animal specimens. It was founded in 1846 as the "National Museum". The National Museum was later split up into five museums, three of which were in 1986 merged as departments of the newly named Croatian Natural History Museum. The museum contains a large scientific library open to the public, and publishes the first Croatian natural history scientific journal, Natura Croatica.