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Boutique Hotel Alhambra


Čikat ul. 16, 51550, Mali Lošinj, Croatia
📞 +385 51 260 700


  • 轮椅可进入的入口
  • 可供轮椅使用的厕所


  • 对孩子们有好处
  • 厕所
  • 餐馆

位於克羅埃西亞洛辛的Boutique Hotel Alhambra博物館,是一個獨特而非凡的博物館,被譽為是完美的文化和藝術之旅。它被安置在一個被譽為世界上最美麗的海岸線的洛辛島上,四周環繞著美麗的自然環境,提供了一個安靜而輕鬆的氛圍。

博物館的收藏品涵蓋了克羅埃西亞的文化和歷史,包括繪畫、雕塑、書籍、紀念品和古董,以及洛辛島上的傳統風情。更著名的是,博物館還收藏了許多來自於著名藝術家和設計師的作品,如西班牙著名藝術家Salvador Dali的作品,以及著名設計師Christian Dior的時裝作品,讓參觀者在參觀過程中可以欣賞到各種獨特的藝術作品。


Boutique Hotel Alhambra博物館是一個獨特而非凡的博物館,是一個完美的文化和藝術之旅。它擁有獨特的收藏品,包括西班牙著名藝術家Salvador Dali的作品,以及著名設計師Christian Dior的時裝作品等,可以讓參觀者欣賞到各種獨特的藝術作品。此外,博物館還提供了一個獨特的藝術家工作室和展示室,讓參觀者可以更加深入地了解當地文化和歷史,以及當地藝術家和設計師的創作。Boutique Hotel Alhambra博物館是一個值得參觀的美麗地方,不容錯過!


278 评论
5 明星

It is almost unbelievable that the museum has succeeded so well to elaborate the story around its only exhibit. By entering the museum, the story of Apoksiomen slowly grows to the final culmination when you come to the grandiose statue. However, the statue can only be seen through the opening but it is still worth to visit museum and see this attraction.

5 明星

Modern Museum with great and stylish storytelling (after several informative rooms, you'll finally meet Apoxyomenos in a white room/no photos allowed in there). Visited the site on a rainy day bit I'll recommend it to every visitor of Mali Lošinj. Audioguides and family tickets available. More information on the website.

5 明星

I did not expect it but we spent more than an hour in a muzeum which in the end features a single sculpture. Admittance for adult is 75kn, 40 for a student. The museum is beautifully crafted into the whole building and gradually unravels more about the statue. In the end there is view of Mali Lošinj from second floor of the building. It is not cheap but I'm my opinion it is worth it.