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Hilton Cologne


Marzellenstraße 13-17, 50668 Köln, Germany
📞 +49 221 130710


  • 可供轮椅使用的停车场
  • 轮椅可进入的入口
  • 轮椅可通行的电梯
  • 可供轮椅使用的厕所


  • 对孩子们有好处
  • 餐馆
  • 厕所

Hilton Cologne是德国科隆的一家著名的博物馆,位于科隆市中心,是一家非常受欢迎的旅游景点。博物馆位于科隆城堡的旁边,拥有许多古老的历史遗址,是科隆历史文化的精华所在。博物馆展示了科隆地区的历史文化及其发展,向游客展示了许多令人惊叹的历史文物。

Hilton Cologne的展厅里展示了许多珍贵的文物,包括古老的建筑、古代的石头雕塑、精美的瓷器、精美的文物以及古老的书籍。其中,最令人印象深刻的是科隆城堡的展示,展示了科隆城堡的历史文化,让游客对科隆城堡有更深入的了解。此外,博物馆还有一个虚拟展厅,游客可以通过虚拟影像技术观看科隆城堡的历史文化,这也是博物馆的一大亮点。

Hilton Cologne也为游客提供了许多有趣的活动,包括体验古老的手工艺,参观古老的历史遗址,参加古老的文化活动等。此外,博物馆还提供了许多有趣的科普活动,让游客可以更加深入地了解科隆地区的历史文化。

Hilton Cologne的游客评价非常好,Tripadvisor上的评价中,有许多游客称赞博物馆的展厅设计精良,展品丰富,虚拟展厅也很有趣,而且活动也非常丰富多彩,是一个很好的旅游景点。

总的来说,Hilton Cologne是一个非常值得一去的景点,可以让游客更加深入地了解科隆的历史文化,欣赏科隆的古老建筑,参加有趣的活动,体验古老的文化,是一个不可多得的旅游景点。


2814 评论
5 明星

It's purely a gem. Great space for global ethnological representation. Very modern and interactive museum with a lot of information. The arrangement and decision of the museum is truly admirable.

5 明星

I was extremely impressed by the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum and thoroughly enjoyed my 3+ hour visit. All staff were extremely friendly and welcoming from the very start. The various exhibitions were presented very effectively and I very much enjoyed the ability to view exhibits "up close and personal". I personally found many of the stories being told to be very moving and the various elements of interactivity to be very novel and effective. Overall I can say this is one of the best museums I have visited in a long time.

5 明星

A most interesting museum! I loved, that the exhibited pieces weren't categorised by geographic region, but by theme of general circumstances of life, like human depiction, living quarters or clothing. A modern twist of this museum is, that you are able to download all mp3 files of the audio guide beforehand. So you can listen to the whole audio guide on your phone with your choice of headphones. While being there a special exhibition showed items from the Benin kingdom, which were about to be returned.