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The Table

Shanghaiallee 15, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
📞 +49 40 22867422

德國法蘭克福的「The Table」美術館是一個令人耳目一新的美術館,展出豐富多樣的歷史、藝術、建築和文化展覽。該美術館位於法蘭克福市中心,擁有一個充滿活力的藝術空間,提供豐富的展覽和活動。

The Table美術館的核心展覽將探索當代藝術、歷史和文化,從現代藝術到古典藝術,從對話到教育,從文化的多樣性到建築的藝術性,將帶給訪客一個獨特的藝術體驗。有著豐富的展覽,包括「從藝術到社會」、「歷史的藝術」、「藝術與科學」、「建築與藝術」、「文化與歷史」、「教育與文化」等等。

The Table美術館也提供獨特的展覽,比如「德國現代藝術史」、「現代藝術的歷史」、「社會與文化的交流」、「德國藝術家的作品」、「當代藝術的歷史」等等。此外,美術館還舉辦各種文化活動,比如音樂會、藝術演出、講座、工作坊和藝術家對話等等。

The Table美術館是一個值得參觀的地方,有著豐富的展覽和活動,可以滿足訪客對藝術和文化的需求。此外,該美術館還擁有許多著名的藝術作品,比如德國藝術家約翰·范·哈斯的「聖母與孩子」、「聖家族」、「聖母與紅衣婦人」等等。

The Table美術館的展覽和活動能夠讓訪客深入了解德國藝術和文化,體驗不同文化的魅力,並從中獲得啟發。該美術館的展覽和活動豐富多樣,讓訪客能夠深入了解德國藝術和文化,並從中獲得啟發。此外,美術館還擁有許多著名的藝術作品,讓訪客能夠更加深入了解德國藝術和文化。


280 评论
5 明星

What an divine dining experience: unrivalled food quality, Understatement of interior design; the whole service extremely personal; a great team and an amazing Chief who is humble and paying attention to details! Mr. Fehling welcomed every guest at the entrance (no matter when they arrive), what a gesture! I am more than impressed. The cooking process is very clean and structured. Love the concept! Love the food! Love the people! "The Table" rocks!

5 明星

Modern Northern European experience, it might be seen as cold, but it’s exactly the type of experience I was expecting, this is not a southern Italian trattoria. Seated on bar stools facing the open kitchen the meal at The Table goes smoothly, and it’s a journey throughout the whole world, with ingredients and preparation that variates differently. The Nordic touch is present also in the food, many plates are served cold and one plate is dedicated at the north see. The wine pairing was ideal, mostly white wines and light bodied giving a nice contrast with meal. Overall a satisfying experience!

5 明星

It is difficult to compare a visit to The Table with that to any other restaurant, including other three-star restaurants. The open kitchen is unquestionably the center of the restaurant and provides a stage for Kevin Fehling and his team to be observed throughout the evening as they work with incredible concentration and attention to every last detail on the plates. And doing so with well-practiced moves and almost without words. The results are small works of art, both visually and in terms of taste. The flavor compositions are extraordinary and always offer something new to discover, even for experienced foodies. The outstanding work of sommelier David Eitel frames it all with equally exceptional wines. In the end, one feels rather reminded of a visit to the opera or theater. Great art and definitely worth a visit.