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Duomo di Siena


Piazza del Duomo, 8, 53100 Siena SI, Italy
📞 +39 0577 286300


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西耶那大教堂除了外观壮观外,它内部的艺术品也令人叹为观止。教堂内有一个博物馆,里面有各种各样的艺术品,包括几个世纪以来的绘画和雕塑,还有一些古老的宗教用品。其中最著名的画作是由大师Duccio di Buoninsegna于13世纪创作的“圣母及圣子”,它是一幅精美的油画,讲述了圣母玛利亚和耶稣的故事。另外,还有一些由各个艺术家创作的石雕,它们体现了当时的艺术风格。


总之,西耶那大教堂是一座雄伟壮观的建筑,它是意大利最具代表性的建筑之一,它内部收藏着各种各样的艺术品,包括几个世纪以来的绘画和雕塑,以及一些古老的宗教用品,其中最著名的画作是由大师Duccio di Buoninsegna于13世纪创作的“圣母及圣子”,它是一幅精美的油画,讲述了圣母玛利亚和耶稣的故事。西耶那大教堂还有一个大型的宗教建筑,它有许多宏伟的建筑物,充满了宗教气息。为了欣赏西耶那大教堂的壮观,欣赏其内部的艺术品和宗教建筑,建议大家可以前往西耶那大教堂参观,体验这座著名的文艺复兴时期建筑的魅力。


21736 评论
5 明星

One of the most unique and beautiful cathedrals in Italy. It’s known for it’s stunning dark green (looks black) and white marble. You need to purchase tickets to enter-unless you are going for mass. Mass is free. I recommend a skip the line pass so you can walk right in if it’s busy. I have seen a lot of cathedrals and this is right up there with St. Peters Basilica (Vatican).

5 明星

Before visiting Siena, we knew that Siena was a rich small independent republic, developed even before Florence. We knew they have a great cathedral. But we were astonished when we saw it. Both exterior and interior are super elegant. On the floor are so many colorful engraving paintings, many of them are bible stories. It’s really impressive. We bought combined tickets for cathedral, church museum and the library.

5 明星

A very unique and beautiful church, the most impressive in Siena. It's not too far from the main plaza. The outside is gorgeous and the Vatican inside is a pleasant surprise. There are cool busts of the Popes around the inside of the cathedral. Nice visit!