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Le Bistrot de France Pessac


1 Rue du Béarn, 33600 Pessac, France
📞 +33 5 56 39 27 43


  • 可供轮椅使用的停车场
  • 轮椅可进入的入口
  • 轮椅可通行的电梯
  • 可供轮椅使用的厕所


  • 对孩子们有好处
  • 餐馆
  • 厕所


  • 家庭友好

Le Bistrot de France Pessac位於法國圖盧茲,是一個充滿歷史文化的博物館,也是一個熱門的觀光勝地。




Le Bistrot de France Pessac博物館是一個值得參觀的勝地,它為游客提供了一個欣賞美術和了解法國文化的機會。此外,該博物館還有一個展示法國文化的專門展覽,讓游客可以更深入地了解法國文化。博物館也有一系列的文化活動,包括藝術展覽、音樂會、戲劇表演等,讓游客可以更加深入地探索法國文化。

Le Bistrot de France Pessac博物館是一個值得參觀的勝地,它有許多獨特的展品,如法國古代瓷器、中世紀陶瓷、十七世紀的繪畫和雕塑等,以及定期更換的展品,如繪畫、雕塑、紀念品等。此外,該博物館還有一個展示法國文化的專門展覽,讓游客可以更深入地了解法國文化。博物館也有一系列的文化活動,包括藝術展覽、音樂會、戲劇表演等,讓游客可以更加深入地探索法國文化。

Le Bistrot de France Pessac博物館是一個值得參觀的勝地,它提供了一個欣賞美術和了解法國文化的機會,也有豐富的歷史文物和定期更換的展品,以及一個展示法國文化的專門展覽,以及一系列的文化活動,包括藝術展覽、音樂會、戲劇表演等,讓游客可以更加深入地探索法國文化。Le Bistrot de France Pessac博物館是一個令人驚嘆的勝地,值得一去。


580 评论
5 明星

We visited the museum because of the air conditioning. In summer it is not only hot but also very crowded. Children get their money's worth. Countless events and breathtaking objects to visit. A great experience.

5 明星

Great place, there were astronauts and scientists for free. And a very good place for children

3 明星

Way overpriced museum. Some venues are nice and informative. There is a true effort to make the museum accessible for children. However, there are a few major issues apart from the crazy entrance price: * There is no logic. You spend ages finding out where you are, what the sequence is of the various exhibitions and where to go next. It's a mix of all kinds of exhibitions and demos without a clear logic. * It presents as a major attraction in the region but during busy days, it cannot handle the crowd. Lots of waiting. * Very poor services. Toilets and some sites are very dirty and not well maintained. In all, it feels like a very overpriced museum with a total lack of consistency and logic. It's just a mess basically which is a shame as you can see a lot of efforts had been put into the various exhibitions and demos. Some of them are well done