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Hôtel Barrière Lille


777 bis Pont de Flandres, 59777 Lille, France
📞 +33 3 28 14 45 00


  • 辅助性听力回路
  • 可供轮椅使用的停车场
  • 轮椅可进入的入口
  • 轮椅可通行的电梯
  • 可供轮椅使用的厕所
  • 轮椅租赁


  • 对孩子们有好处
  • 餐馆
  • 厕所
  • 免费Wi-Fi


  • 家庭友好

Hôtel Barrière Lille位於法國巴黎,是一座充滿歷史悠久的博物館。它位於巴黎的歷史中心,提供了一個豐富的文化和藝術體驗。

Hôtel Barrière Lille擁有豐富的藝術和文物收藏,其中包括藝術家的作品、珍貴的古董和古老的家具。博物館擁有豐富的歷史文物,包括古代的建築和家具,以及18世紀的陶瓷和繪畫作品。此外,還有一個藝術家工作室,可以觀看藝術家們的創作過程。

Hôtel Barrière Lille還提供豐富的文化活動,包括藝術展覽、音樂會、舞蹈表演和戶外活動。它還提供導覽服務,讓您了解博物館的歷史和文化。

參觀Hôtel Barrière Lille的遊客給予了非常正面的評價。Tripadvisor上的評論中,有許多遊客稱讚博物館的藝術品和文物收藏,並表示對文化活動的滿意。此外,很多遊客還表示對導覽服務的滿意,認為導覽員提供的歷史和文化知識很棒。

总而言之,Hôtel Barrière Lille是一個值得參觀的博物館。它擁有豐富的藝術和文物收藏,以及豐富的文化活動,可以為您帶來一次難忘的文化體驗。


1077 评论
5 明星

One of the best museums in city. Only few tourists know about the place and it makes it so much better! Also, entrance to permanent exhibition is free, and collection is beautiful! The palace itself is also awesome, it has beautiful garden inside and is located in great place. This will be one of my favorite museums in Paris.

5 明星

Nice museum. I like the fact that it's free. They had quite a few varying artwork. There were paintings, sculpture, tapestry, and various artifacts. The area of the museum is very spacious, so there's room to maneuver. They do require that all backpacks are worn in the front to avoid them knocking over anything mistakenly. The artworks are spectacular, especially the ones depicting the crucifixion of Christ. Everything is very ornate, including the ceiling. A few of the pieces have English translations, so I was able to understand what each of those pieces were about. Not very crowded, which made it easy to move about. Great experience overall. Would definitely recommend

5 明星

Very nice and diverse artwork from paintings to sculptures and even some jewelry and homemade utensils collections. The museum is very spacious, you can have chairs wherever you go, so you can chill or paint. I would highly recommend it, the entry is free and not crowded. So, it’s just perfect for those who like the combination of art, quiet time and spacious places.