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Musée des Tapisseries

28 Pl. des Martyrs de la Resistance, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France
📞 +33 4 88 71 74 15

Musée des Tapisseries位於法國Aix-en-Provence,是一個專門展示法國十六世紀至十九世紀織品的博物館。該博物館收藏了超過一百件不同類型的織品,包括壁毯、沙發套以及桌墊等。其中最著名的是由法國織品大師Jacques Quinton於1700年製作的《十二月》壁毯,它是博物館最珍貴的織品之一。

除了織品收藏外,Musée des Tapisseries還提供了一系列的織品製作課程,讓參觀者能夠更深入地了解織品的製作過程。課程包括織品技術、織品設計和織品維修等,涵蓋了織品製作的各個方面。


Musée des Tapisseries的參觀者評價極高,據TripAdvisor評論,該博物館是一個十分受歡迎的旅遊景點,參觀者稱讚其精彩的展覽以及熱情的導遊,並稱讚該博物館收藏的織品珍品。另一個評論網站Yelp上也有許多參觀者對Musée des Tapisseries的正面評價,他們表示參觀該博物館是一次令人難忘的經歷,他們對博物館的展品、課程和工作室都表示滿意。

Musée des Tapisseries是一個值得一去的旅遊景點,參觀者可以在這裡欣賞珍貴的織品珍品,並學習織品製作的技術。參觀者可以在該博物館內探索織品的歷史和文化,體驗一場令人難忘的織品之旅。


100 评论
4 明星

This museum has so much potential to offer...this history in the region is rich in the dyeing and weaving of fabrics, the tapestries presented are beautiful, the building itself is large enough to show even more...but there is no context to the permanent exhibits. There is no lead in to the origin of the industry and how Aix became famous for their tapestries. As a visitor you have to spend a lot more time reading between the lines to get the sense of the accomplishments of the trade rather than having it presented to you as a museum should. It was a great bonus that there was a costume/outfit exhibition at the time of our visit which significantly enhanced the experience. The outfits we wild and fun and created conversations for each one we saw. A nice add on for sure.

2 明星

Nice tapestries but you’ll miss a lot if you can’t read French as none of their signage has any other language. Not putting English/other languages is something I understand and I’m not saying they have to, all I’m saying is that you’ll miss a large aspect of the museum by not being able to understand the history of the tapestries. It’s was kind of nice to walk through and look at them, but I wouldn’t go back, nor would I recommend it to someone unless they are really fascinated by tapestry work.

1 星级

Closed because they had no one to work security. They did have one lady at the ticket desk and one in the book store. Doing what I'm not sure.