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Le Jardin


Mazargues Villages, 66 Rue Sébastien Marcaggi, 13009 Marseille, France
📞 +33 4 86 77 36 22


  • 轮椅可进入的入口
  • 可供轮椅使用的厕所


  • 对孩子们有好处
  • 厕所
  • 餐馆

Le Jardin,位於格勒諾布爾,是一座美麗的博物館,有著豐富的歷史文化和珍貴的藝術作品。博物館的建築風格多樣,其中包括巴洛克式建築、洛可可式建築、現代建築和古典建築,每一種都有其特色。

Le Jardin的展廳和室內展覽空間極其豐富,可以看到來自世界各地的珍貴藝術品,包括藝術家的畫作、雕塑和其他藝術作品,以及一些歷史文物。博物館還有一個美麗的花園,提供了一個自然的環境,可以放鬆身心,享受藝術和自然的美。

Le Jardin還有一個特色就是它的教育活動,它提供了豐富的文化教育,包括導覽、講座、工作坊和藝術活動等,為參觀者提供了一個深入了解藝術的機會。

Le Jardin的評價很高,TripAdvisor上的評論中,有很多參觀者都表示博物館的展廳和室內展覽空間很棒,展品精美,而且館內有一個美麗的花園,可以放鬆身心,享受藝術和自然的美。另外,館內的教育活動也很受歡迎,尤其是對於想深入了解藝術的參觀者來說,這是一個很好的機會。

总而言之,Le Jardin是一個值得參觀的地方,有豐富的歷史文化和珍貴的藝術作品,而且還有豐富的教育活動,可以為參觀者提供一個深入了解藝術的機會。


254 评论
4 明星

This place is modest in comparison to some other natural history museums. There are 4 floors of exhibits which friending on the she of you children shouldn't take more than an hour and a half. They have live reptiles as well as larger taxidermied mammals and even some insects and sea creatures. There is a small library as well with some large puzzles. The major lacking element is more interactive exhibits. Very little video or auditory experiences. My favorite was probably the live ants exhibit. Definitely worth a visit but it will not take up a whole day. Luckily it's right next to a walkable area with restaurants and shops to purchase lunch or coffee after our before as this place does close down for 2 hours everyday for lunch so plan ahead! Pricing for families is reasonable. Enjoy!

3 明星

Don't expect too much. The museum is small and not much to see at all.

4 明星

It is a good place to take kids, is easily accessible and a good option to go on a Saturday morning