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Choco-Story Paris - Musée du Chocolat


28 Bd de Bonne Nouvelle, 75010 Paris, France
📞 +33 1 42 29 68 60


  • 可供轮椅使用的停车场
  • 轮椅可进入的入口
  • 轮椅可通行的电梯
  • 可供轮椅使用的厕所


  • 对孩子们有好处
  • 厕所
  • 免费Wi-Fi
  • 餐馆


  • 家庭友好
  • 对LGBTQ+友好
  • 变性人安全空间

Choco-Story Paris - Musée du Chocolat位於法國比亞里茨,是一座有趣又充滿活力的巧克力博物館。在這裡,您可以探索巧克力的歷史,了解它的製作過程,並品嚐各種口味的巧克力。博物館裡面有一個展廳,展出了一系列巧克力的歷史文物,從古老的古巴到現代的法國巧克力。此外,還有一個巧克力製作廠,可以讓您親自體驗巧克力的製作過程,並品嚐各種口味的巧克力。

Choco-Story Paris - Musée du Chocolat在Tripadvisor上獲得了4.5顆星的評價,據評論者表示,博物館是一個可以讓人深入了解巧克力的美妙之地。他們說,博物館裡有許多有趣的展品,可以讓您更加了解巧克力的製作過程和歷史,並品嚐各種口味的巧克力。

其他網站也給Choco-Story Paris - Musée du Chocolat高度評價。據Yelp評論者表示,博物館的展品非常有趣,可以讓您深入了解巧克力的製作過程和歷史,並品嚐各種口味的巧克力。他們還表示,博物館的展品非常有趣,並且有一個專門的巧克力製作廠,可以讓您親自體驗巧克力的製作過程。

Choco-Story Paris - Musée du Chocolat是一個值得探索的博物館,可以讓您深入了解巧克力的歷史和製作過程,並品嚐各種口味的巧克力。它在Tripadvisor和Yelp上都獲得了高度評價,是一個有趣又充滿活力的博物館。


3165 评论
3 明星

This was a good place to spend thirty to forty minutes. It goes through the history and value placed on cocoa beans. It was interesting and there were little stations that gave visitors the opportunity to taste some chocolate buttons. The option to have a hot chocolate at the end of the tour for an extra three euros wasn't really worth it as they didn't have many flavours left. We had to make do with white chocolate which was super sweet. Too sweet for either of us to drink much more than two or three sips. The huge exhibits of the Eiffel tower and the fashion made from chocolate was worth a look but I don't think this museum is worth the admission prices they're charging.

3 明星

I took the chocolate workshop. It was fun but I expected more for the price. I had to dip marshmallows, fudge and orange peel in chocolate. The guy was nice but when I asked about the chocolate temperature he said “ we have new thing called google” I would love if the class was more about of how we melt the chocolate and not only decoration. For the visit its good since it covers all the history and there is a spots where you can eat free chocolate. Overall I am giving a 3 stars just for the class but I would recommend doing the visit.

2 明星

Its a small area with no actual chocolate manufacturing happening if you buy the basic ticket. Its a story telling with exhibit. Max 45 minutes. Depends on your chocolate interest.