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La Piscine - Musée d'art et d'industrie André Diligent de Roubaix


23 Rue de l'Espérance, 59100 Roubaix, France
📞 +33 3 20 69 23 60


  • 现场表演


  • 可供轮椅使用的停车场
  • 轮椅可进入的入口
  • 可供轮椅使用的厕所


  • 对孩子们有好处
  • 餐馆
  • 厕所
  • 免费Wi-Fi


  • 家庭友好
  • 对LGBTQ+友好
  • 变性人安全空间

位于法国里尔的La Piscine - Musée d'art et d'industrie André Diligent de Roubaix是一个著名的博物馆,它拥有一个精彩的综合性艺术收藏,涵盖了20世纪艺术的各个领域。这个博物馆不仅拥有许多珍贵的艺术品,还有一些古老的工业建筑,许多景观的池塘,使它成为了一个独特的博物馆。

La Piscine博物馆的收藏包括20世纪的绘画,雕塑,装置和照片,以及一些特殊的藏品,如拉法尔·索洛的珠宝,雕刻和瓷器,还有拉普拉斯·拉普拉斯的壁画,以及一些其他的20世纪艺术品,比如拉普拉斯·拉普拉斯的装置艺术和拉法尔·索洛的雕塑作品。



La Piscine博物馆是一个值得参观的地方,它拥有一个精彩的综合性艺术收藏,涵盖了20世纪的艺术的各个领域,这里还有一些古老的工业建筑,以及一些景观的池塘,这些都使它成为了一个独特的博物馆。此外,博物馆还有一些独特的特色展览,比如“穿越时空:穆勒·艾格尼丝·贝瑟尔的作品”,“拉法尔·索洛:珠宝设计师”,“拉普拉斯·拉普拉斯:装置艺术家”,“拉法尔·索洛:雕塑家”,以及“安德烈·迪利格特:建筑师”等。总之,La Piscine博物馆是一个不可错过的地方,值得一游。


6190 评论
4 明星

Bigger than we thought, it could be at least half a day spent at the place if I haven't planned to go somewhere else first. Apart from the bath which is the highlight, around the room there are many art pieces and most of them are cool! There are so many rooms to explore, also there is another upper floor with more pieces! The entry fee is worth the price, now I understand why many local people spend the money to visit the place!

5 明星

Well organized. The theme itself is unique. Even though the introductory texts were all in French, I still felt content. I am not sure why it’s free entrance today. Otherwise reduced price is 9€, full price 11€. Also there were some pieces, not the most famous ones, by Pablo Picasso displayed here. I was very surprised a small city like Roubaix had such a good quality museum.

4 明星

Unique museum that's housed inside a former swimming pool. It's art deco and it must have been really cool to go for a swim here in the pool's pomp. A couple of tips: arrive a little later - around midday - as the queues for security after opening can be very long. Don't bring a water bottle with you as apparently you're not allowed to (although I saw no signs or information advertising this). We found out the hard way when a member of staff took great delight in confiscating water from my - clearly pregnant - partner.