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Urania Sternwarte


Uraniastrasse 9, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland
📞 +41 43 317 16 40


  • 对孩子们有好处

Urania Sternwarte位于瑞士苏黎世,是一座令人惊叹的观星台,可以欣赏到壮丽的星空。这里拥有一个豪华的观星室,可以观赏到美丽的星空,以及一个拥有最新设备的天文台,供科学家和爱好者使用。

Urania Sternwarte有一个精致的室内博物馆,展示着有关天文学的历史文物,包括望远镜、星图、望远镜和其他科学仪器。除此之外,还有一个可以容纳数千人的室外天文台,可以观赏到夜空的美景。

Urania Sternwarte的工作人员都非常友好,他们热情地为游客介绍天文学的知识,并且提供有关星空的演讲,让游客更加了解夜空的美景。

此外,Urania Sternwarte还提供每月的夜空观察活动,游客可以在晚上观察到美丽的星空,并且可以了解到有关星空的知识。

Tripadvisor上关于Urania Sternwarte的评论给予了它非常高的评价,大多数游客都说这是一个很棒的地方,他们可以欣赏到壮丽的星空,而且工作人员也非常友好。

而在Google上,Urania Sternwarte也获得了非常高的评价,大多数游客都说这里的环境很棒,而且可以欣赏到美丽的星空,以及有关星空的知识。

总的来说,Urania Sternwarte是一个很棒的地方,可以欣赏到壮丽的星空,而且工作人员也非常友好,游客可以在这里了解到有关星空的知识,欣赏到美丽的星空。


281 评论
5 明星

Absolutely amazing observatory! They have a lot of public tours, and if the weather cooperates, you can even observe through the gigantic telescope yourself! On the top they also have a small cafe and an observation deck for the city view. Magnificent!

4 明星

Beautiful experience, something you really don't do everyday. Unfortunately, the tour was in German only. You also have to be lucky with the weather, as clouds can obscure the sky. However the view from the top is very cool

5 明星

We had a private tour and were just amazed. The tour guide was fantastic, super enthusiastic about the observatorium, the stars and everything. We had many questions and he had an answer to all of them. He had his repertoire but was more than willing to adjust to all our requests. The only downside was that after an hour the clouds blocked our view into the sky. But even for that he had a plan B to demonstrate us the capabilities of the telescope.