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Casa Hermann

Piața Hermann Oberth 50, Sighișoara 545400, Romania
📞 +40 751 607 317

位於羅馬尼亞西西奧拉的Casa Hermann餐廳,是一家著名的歐洲傳統餐廳。這家餐廳位於古老的城堡和漢森街上,提供羅馬尼亞本土美食,以及濃郁的歐洲古典風格。

Casa Hermann餐廳提供多樣化的菜餚,包括羅馬尼亞傳統美食,如豐盛的肉類,新鮮的蔬菜,以及羅馬尼亞本土的美食。餐廳的招牌菜餚包括羅馬尼亞的烤肉,烤馬鈴薯,烤香腸,以及烤羊肉。此外,Casa Hermann還提供各種歐洲傳統菜餚,如烤牛肉,烤鴨,烤羊肉,以及各種美味的湯品。

Casa Hermann餐廳的氣氛非常輕鬆愉快,服務員熱情友善,而且價格合理。餐廳的裝潢充滿歐洲古典風格,而且有一個室內庭院,可以提供客人更多的選擇。

根據TripAdvisor的評論,Casa Hermann餐廳是一家值得推薦的餐廳。評論者稱讚Casa Hermann的美食,服務員的熱情友善,以及餐廳的歐洲古典風格。另一位評論者表示,Casa Hermann提供的美食精緻可口,餐廳的裝潢也很漂亮,值得推薦。

總而言之,Casa Hermann餐廳是羅馬尼亞西西奧拉一個值得推薦的餐廳。它提供羅馬尼亞本土美食,以及濃郁的歐洲古典風格。服務員熱情友善,而且價格合理。TripAdvisor的評論也證明了Casa Hermann餐廳的優質服務和美食。


53 评论
5 明星

We stayed at Hermann's last November. The host is very kind and helpful, the house is right on the city centre so it can be difficult to find a parking spot but he has one just in the opposite lane. Definitely recommend it.

4 明星

Not the best yet not the worst. The rooms weren't detached from one another and it was just weird for two couples. Also the heating system made a lot of noise. Points for the cleanliness and location. I guess it is good value for the money we've paid.

5 明星

Very close to the Sighisoara Citadel. The place was clean and the kitchen was well equipped. Also, the place is very close to a lot of restaurants so you won’t starve while finding a place to eat.